Religious and mythical reflections
DEVOTIO EXCELSUS. The Great Sacrifice. Oil on canvas. 90x80 cm., 2009
To each his own. Oil on canvas. 100x48 cm., 2018
From ancient times, churches were commissioned and painted paintings depicting biblical scenes. My favorite Rembrandt relied on the Bible as a philosophical book in which he revealed human relationships through the prism of his approach. The Bible is a universal book and the artist can use it to illustrate his experiences in the inner world. My paintings "Moses", "Judith", "The Great Sacrifice" and the most recent " To each his own" are based on biblical characters and plots.
Moises. Oil on canvas. 100x48 cm., 1993
Judith. Oil on canvas. 76x82 cm., 1992
Nüwa. Oil on canvas. 100x81 cm., 2010
Inevitability. Oil on canvas. 20x15 cm., 2018
The hollow glass ball is a symbol of fragility and was widely used in the works of Flemish masters. It was often surrounded by gold thread. The one holding the glass ball in his hands seems to proclaim "I rule the world." The rich can hide in it, but it's just an illusion because the ball breaks easily. The cloak of golden sheepskin is from Greek mythology. According to myth, the ruler ordered the Argonauts to sail to faraway lands to bring gold wool. They overcame the most difficult trials to carry out the ruler's command. In this picture, it is the efforts of the rich to conquer people for their own good. "The goal justifies all measures." The character in the picture looks fearfully upwards, into the light. It's like a warning that sooner or later everything will come to an end. The shoes are made of gold embroidered threads. The character may lose them while running. It symbolizes the temporary nature of the property. This picture highlights three deep thoughts. 1 . memento mori; 2. when the most important things in life are perceived too late; 3. A false life full of illusions. Resume: man cannot live selfishly, harming others for his own good. This sooner or later affects him and his environment.
Manticore. Oil on canvas. 40x30 cm., 2008